Daily Logo Challenge

Daily Logo Challenge has kinda changed my life, not in a big way, but my friends and family notice me as a “logo designer” now.

Daily Logo Challenge has changed my life a bit, not in a big way, but my friends and family now see me as a "logo designer".I find it funny but this also makes me recognizable as a "logo designer". DLC also allows me to showcase my expertise and gives me a broader view of the design community and social media. I find it very interesting how other designers have designed their logos. Creating a logo takes a lot of time, but it seems that my process has gone a bit faster than before.

As you can see, the first sequence has a white background, and later I added color to the background. The last sequence has a photo in the background. These photos are from Unsplash. The reason is to be experimental on which post got the most positive feedback, for example, likes, comments, and people who saved my post. It turns out that "Read Fox" has the most positive feedback.

The challenge is not over yet, yet I want to continue and finish this challenge. After that, I want to move on to the app design challenge. This process takes more time, but I think I would gain much more experience in UX/UI. Drawing logos is fun to do, that is for sure, but I would not focus on that too much in the future.


Minor at EWHA University


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